There are more than 1,900,000 people on LinkedIn with channel marketing job titles and 23,680 channel marketing job openings.

There were zero books about channel marketing, until now.

Marketing Multiplied is your comprehensive guide to indirect channel marketing. We explore topics such as how best to engage channel partners, how to create programs that generate outcomes, how to develop the right mix of content, recruiting and hiring talented people, and how to provide meaningful incentives to your channel partners that motivate them to deliver results.

Marketing Multiplied is available now.

If you are…

  • New in your role and want to make an impact quickly…
  • Looking for fresh ideas…
  • Needing help measuring your channel…
  • Struggling with hiring effective channel marketers…

Marketing Multiplied is for you.

Over 14 compelling chapters, Marketing Multiplied uncovers the channel marketing concepts and tactics that will kick your channel into high growth.

You can order the book now on Amazon.

Praise for Marketing Multiplied:

jay-mcbain “This book is an excellent playbook for all marketers – from the most advanced channel practitioners to those just getting started with indirect sales. With a great blend of strategy and tactics, this is a channel marketing MBA all in one place!”

Jay McBain
Principal Analyst, Global Channels
Forrester Research


“To build successful channel programs, you need everyone to be on the same page. Marketing Multiplied gives teams a common language and framework that is practical and relevant in today’s world of digital marketing. This is a must-read book for my team.”

Meaghan Sullivan
Vice President, Global Channel Marketing

guy-arama_orig “Even experienced marketers need fresh ideas and inspiration and Marketing Multiplied delivers. I found myself nodding along in many sections and taking down notes in others. Peter and Mike have done a fantastic job pulling together a resource for all experience levels.”

Guy Arama
Vice President, Global Channel Marketing

theresa caragol “Many of us learn by doing. Peter and Mike’s book takes us through the theory and quickly gets to practical applications and models for us to use. This book is a great handbook for the new or experienced channel marketer. I highly recommend it for anyone interested in increasing their channel marketing acumen and experience.”

Theresa Caragol
Founder and CEO
Achieve Unite